Thursday, June 4, 2009

Learning……. As an Experience

---Contributed by Divya Bhalla
My third week in Milagrow …… and each day has been better than the previous one.

Milagrow is a workplace of everyday learning, which doesn’t necessarily mean formal training or being a trainer to provide people with learning toolbars of their respective roles.

We get trained and impart training on various spectrums of learning by working as a team.

Hence, my interface with learning has been:

To be constantly conscience of our new strength

To identify opportunities and increase our speed of actions

To implement what we think immediately

To be assertive

To be committed

Our management Gurus say… that people of an organization learn the most when they are motivated and are emotionally committed to their roles.

Though it may sound difficult to inculcate learning into someone, but we can definitely ensure ways and environment that encourages this process.

I would conclude my experience of learning with what – Nelson Mandela said in his Inaugural speech in 1994:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate but our deepest fears are that we are powerful beyond measure”.

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